Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Grizzly Bears !

Among many highlights of the whole trip, easily the best day was a boat trip out of Telegraph Cove, Vancouver Island to view grizzly bears. We had picked up our tent trailer and taken the ferry to Vancouver Island and headed to the north of the island. The day of the boat trip was overcast with drizzle, and we were informed once boarded, that typically this was ideal weather to view grizzlies. In hotter weather they retreat into the dense forests. Unbelievably, once on the viewing 'pontoon' in the estuary, we saw a minimum of 26 individual grizzly bears, including cubs, within an area of no more than a square km ! The salmon run to date had been poor, and the grizzlies were feeding in the marshy areas. Just magnificent animals, and as good a few hours as anything I have experienced. The boat trip got better, as on our return trip we found a single black bear feeding on the shoreline below the dense forests. This sounds like I am making it up, but this was followed by a sighting of a transient orca pod. We followed at a distance for some time, and at one point two of the orcas tried to wash harbour seals off a small rocky island, one of them spyhopping to get a better view. Interesting fact is that the transient orca pods feed on mammals, whereas the resident orca pods in the area feed on fish, mainly salmon.