We have travelled again, and arrived yesterday on an overnight bus in Bariloche, in the Lake District of Argentina. Light snow was falling which was a distinct contrast to the coast at Puerto Madryn. The scenery is post card perfect with snow covered mountains, dense forests in the valleys, and large lakes. On our last day in Puerto Madryn, we joined a tour group on to the Peninsula Valdes itself. Disappointing in comparison to our previous experiences with whales and sea lions. The reasons are two fold, one being that our timing of our trip to this part of the world is maybe a month or two before the main concentrations of marine wildlife arrive at the peninsula, and secondly that even though the peninsula is a world heritage site, the peninsula is entirely privately owned and expensive! Access to various parts of the peninsula are limited and our only marine sighting was a few scattered elephant seals. Our disitnct memory though will definitely be the underwater close encounter with the sea lions.