Friday, May 2, 2008

South America - Here we come !

Well tomorrow, Heather and I fly via Miami into Lima, Peru. South America is new for both of us. Not sure we will sleep tonight because of the anticipation ! The backpacks are packed and we think we have everything in order, although I am sure we are going to learn many things on the road that we could have done differently. Very few clothes, except for the critical warm gear that we are sure we will need at times in the mountains and further south in Argentina and Chile. The camera is packed along with the telephoto lens, and covered by insurance - just in case ! The sleeping bags were ditched yesterday, and we have liners instead. We are taking a lightweight tent and mattresses, along with a light stove and pot. We have a money belt, two waist pouches, two leg pouches and a bra pouch for Heather, to keep the money, credit cards and important documents hidden. I think the biggest risk for theft is the camera. There are no regrets about our decision to put aside our jobs for six months - what a privelege to be able to experience new countries and cultures, and see magnificent landscapes.