Thursday, January 3, 2013

Algonquin Dog Sledding, New Year's Eve

An overnight dog sledding trip for New Year's Eve. The temperature dropped considerably overnight, and with emptier sleds and faster conditions, the dogs sped up and it was a struggle to control the sleds. The scenery was spectacular, especially the single track trails, with sunlight, fresh snow, and little wind.

Diving Humpack Whale, Bay of Fundy

Whale Watching, Bay of Fundy

During Sept, 2012, we took a week investigating New Brunswick, along the St. John River from Edmunston, to the coast east of Fundy National Park, and back along the coast through Saint John and to the island of Grand Manan where we took a whale watching trip. Saw a pod of fin whales in the distance, but they travel too fast to keep up with. Found a number of feeding humpbacks which we watched for almost an hour. They would rest on the surface before diving again to feed, one spyhopping through a mat of floating kelp.